Natural Cures for Impotence

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

Taking red clover is good home remedy for impotence.

Make an infusion of jambul fruit (Indian herb) and this is to be taken with honey and milk. It is one of the good home remedies for impotence.

Take kelp (large brown seaweeds) as natural cure for impotency.

Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin B complex are considered good home remedy for impotency.

Chickweed, ginseng, plantain, safflower etc help to normalize the hormonal imbalance and boosts sexual craving.

False unicorn is helpful and nourishing to the reproductive organs of both the sexes.

Roots of banyan tree are also said to be good home remedy for impotence especially female sterility, where there are no organic defects or congenital deformities. For this, these roots are to be dried in a shade and then powdered finely. Take nearly about 20 gm of the powder mixed with milk in a ratio of 1:5 as powder and milk. Take this for three consecutive nights after the menstrual cycle is over.

The herb called winter cherry is one of the good home remedies for impotence. The herb is to powdered and six gm of the powder is taken with one cup of milk for 5-6 nights after menstruation.

Many times the sexual impotency is caused by obesity, in this way, reducing the weight will be good idea.

Diet plays an important role in treatment for infertility and sexual drive. Your diet must contain seeds, fruits, nuts, grains, fresh green vegetables, and fresh fruits.
In some cases, the fasting is treated as home remedy to solve your sexual drive problem up to some extent. Two to three days in a month will be sufficient to be benefited.

Excessive fatty foods, spicy foods, strong beverages like coffee, tea, etc are to be avoided.

White flour items, refined flour items like bread, pizza bread etc are to be restricted.

Curd, cottage cheese, milk, vegetable oils, honey etc is recommended as beneficial to have proper sexual drive and power.

Acacia seedless pods are to be dried in a shade and then powdered. It is then mixed with equal weight or raw sugar. Take this in the dosage of 6 gm is taken with milk in the morning. This remedy is extremely useful especially for men impotency. This is one of the good home remedies for sexual impotence.

Take 50 gm of kernels of the seeds of Sirisha (an Ayurvedic herb) tree and mix it with 50 gm of sugar. It should be taken in the dosage of 4-5 gm early in the morning at least for the period of three weeks. This is good to have sexual power and to cure impotency up to certain extent.

Make a powder of 50 gm of each; dried Indian gooseberry and mango ginger. Mix this with equal quantity of raw sugar. Keep it aside and take 6 gm with milk early in the morning. This enhances the libido power in both the sexes. This is one of the best home remedies for impotence.

Take little amount of sesame grain and mix its juice with a bean’s weight of sandarach powder. You can take this mixture during three days of the menstrual period.

A glass of cold water on an empty stomach on regular basis early in the morning will be beneficial as home remedy for impotence as suggested by many naturopaths.

Another good natural remedy for infertility or impotency is taking 10 gm of dry coriander ground in water and sweetened with sugar. This is to be taken early in the morning at least for 2-3 months.

Carrots without their inner white portions are excellent natural cure for impotence. One can go 150 gm of carrots, chopped finely, should be taken with half boiled egg. It should be dipped in tbsp of honey once daily for about a month or two. This increases the sexual stamina and so cures sexual impotency up to certain extent. This is one of the useful home remedies for sexual impotence.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Impotence’]