Natural Cures for Ear Infection

Cures naturally without medication. Using home remedies method. Foods are not drugs, and that food-based medicines are essential for good health and well-being.

The first and foremost thing is stop putting anything into ear. Let it be cotton swabs, fingers, bobby pins etc. These all can cause damage to eardrum and increase chances of something getting in your eardrum, which could be an infection.

Cleaning ear carefully and regularly will help preventing the ear infections.

Take an extreme precaution while blowing the nose. Do it gently and with one nostril at a time.

Smoking is highly contraindicated. Smoking definitely increases the risk of infection and also increased the dryness in mouth, ear and throat.
Put some earplug (small cotton ball) in the ear. This will prevent further contact with the outer atmosphere with the ear and hence will prevent infection also.

Try applying a warm washcloth or a heating pad next to your ear. On the other hand, opposite to this, you can also try the cold therapy method by applying an ice bag just nearer to your ear at least for 15 minutes. This is one of the good home remedies for ear infection.

Sleep with your head somewhat propped up. This will help open your Eustachian tubes and will keep it drained.

Ear infection is highly painful. If nothing is working, don’t hesitate to see doctor and take the pills which are prescribed.

Try to yawn. This will contract the muscles that open your Eustachian tube.

Take a decongestant whenever you feel cold and continue taking that until it is gone. Please take under medical supervision.

Go for the hot shower. The steam may help you breaking up and soften the wax, which will be then easy to remove and also good for prevention of ear infection.

Grind some holy basil leaves and extract some juice. Put two drops inside the ear. This will help reducing the ear pain and also to overcome an infection. It is an effective home remedy for ear infection.

You can boil 3-4 cloves of garlic in water. For this, mash them and add some pinch of the salt. Wrap this into poultice made up of woolen cloth. Place this on aching ear. It is also one of the good home remedies for ear infection.

For the swimmer’s ear, put some mineral oil into the ears before going into the water. Apply heating pad near your ear or warm cloth on the ears. If you are sure for ear infection than better to avoid swimming till you become okay.

Putting few drops of hydrogen peroxide can relieve aching ear. It is a common home remedy for ear infection.

Vitamin C is considered to be very good for earache. In earache and infection, vitamin C works by boosting your immunity. This is proven natural antibiotic and anti histamine. This also helps in reducing the inflammation.

Try to avoid the milk product such as milk, cheese, butter etc. They tend to increase the ear infection that will worsen the earache and the infection.

You can put garlic juice in paining ear. This is time tested and one of the trusted home remedies for ear infection. For this, you can take some cloves of garlic and extract juice out of it. Pouring garlic juice into the affected ear will not only relieve the pain but also will try to help removing the infection.[tubepress mode=’tag’, tagValue=’Cures for Ear Infection’]